


Asking as one special needs parent to another, when was the last time you laughed? I mean laughed so hard you cried, peed your pants, or better yet, both? Do you have stories about your child you wish you could tell but haven’t found a space where you felt safe sharing and even laughing about them?

An Evening with the ‘Rents is just the space you are looking for! This is a uniquely special event where parents of children with autism share their stories in the form of stand up comedy. The event is celebrating its 10th and final year to raise funds for Camp Encourage, a local non-profit providing overnight camp and community experiences to children on the autism spectrum.

My 16 year old daughter, Maddie, has a genetic form of autism and multiple other disabilities which require a lifetime of care. Providing for her needs and putting my own needs aside over the years has been overwhelming and made it challenging to focus on the positive. Ten years ago when I was asked to participate in this event, I did not go willingly. I was convinced there was no way I could make time for this in my life. Also the thought of performing comedy in front of hundreds of people for the first time was absolutely terrifying! I am so glad I took a leap of faith and stepped out of my comfort zone. My involvement in An Evening with the ‘Rents has been life changing. For the first time in a long time, I began doing something for myself and that felt so good! Through the process of transforming our messy life into comedy, I quickly began to shift my perspective. Instead of losing my cool every time something didn’t go according to plan, or grieving the ways my life wasn’t what I thought it would be, this event has helped me to find humor and joy in the mess. It is a testament to the healing power and freedom found in laughter.

I hope you will make time to come be a part of this amazing community of people who truly “get it” and treat yourself to some much needed laughter! (Mommas like me, who pee when you laugh, put on your big girl Depends!) An Evening with the Rents takes place on Friday, March 10th at The Folly Theater!

For more information and ticket purchases, click here!

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