

Giving Tuesday 2019

Save the date for #GivingTuesday this year! ‘Tis Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019!

What is #GivingTuesday, you ask? Entering its eighth year, #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Since its inaugural year in 2012, #GivingTuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy with events throughout the year and a growing catalog of resources.

If interested in supporting the mission of Camp Encourage on #GivingTuesday, we are focusing on two projects:

  • First, we are gathering with alumni campers over the age of 19 to discuss ways they can continue to be involved at Camp Encourage. We’ll also reminisce, get caught up, enjoy a meal together, and prepare for our year-end mailer. Any prior camper over the age of 19 that is interested can contact Kelly for further information by email or 816.830.7171.

Thank you for considering! Now…go forth and enjoy this holiday season!

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Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday

Save the date for #GivingTuesday this year! What is #GivingTuesday, you ask? Entering...